Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Olympics :)

The Olympics in Beijing!
How incredible is that?!?!?
I am so glad that China has opened itself to the World!
The Opening Ceremony was unbelievable!!!
The creativity and symbolism were magnificent!
I hope that the World will see the beauty of the Chinese people and their culture.

This is HG practicing her "TA-DA" for the 2020 Olympics.

**Tom, thank you for the shirt! I appreciate you thinking about HG while you were in China!**


Desiree' said...

The opening was incredible!!! Hope kept going up to the tv and saying "that's my China!"

The Ferrill's said...

We loved watching it last night too! It's so exciting isn't it?
Love all your recent posts, Stephanie! What fun to get to see DeEtte, Hannah and Sadie! HG will make a great fire woman! ;)