Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Ferrill's are on Their WAY!!!!
The Green House
I wish had before pictures! It has been an incredible transformation.
Todd, Greg, and Jonathan
Thank you, Babe, for all of your hard work and dedication to God!
Tough Week with a Happy Ending!
This week has been tough. HG has had some medical issues.
And it was the 16th anniversary of my mother's passing.
All of this, mixed with the immigration delays has been a little overwhelming.
Unfortunately, I did let Snickers and M&Ms become my best friends. (I am currently breaking off our relationship. It is so hard ... on them. LOL!)
However, we did receive some great news on Thursday!!
Thursday morning at 7:32, I received a call from the Immigration Officier.
She stated that she was "granting our clearances." They should be here by Tuesday!
Now we are scrambling to get all of our expired documents renewed (if they older than 6 months - China will not accept them).
HOPEfully, everything will be sent to the consulate by Friday. That is my goal anyway!!!
And now, HG is doing much better!!!
I would also like to share some really great news!
The Gibbs received their referral on Friday! Please follow their blog.
They have suffered a difficult loss, but our God is faithful!!
Now they have a BEAUTIFUL daughter, Hannah! (LOVE the name!;>)