Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Green House

Some of you know that Greg is a Youth Minister at CBC.
We are blessed to have a "Youth House" for the young people to gather and worship.
Greg and the Youth agreed on naming it "The Green House."
It is a place for them to come and grow in Christ.
Greg and Jonathan have been working MANY, MANY hours on the Green House.
It is really coming together!
It is AMAZING to see the progress!
I wish had before pictures! It has been an incredible transformation.
(HG has helped her Daddy and Jonathan. She helped with the chairs, lighting, and fog machine. )

Daddy and HG
The Youth and Will painted the totally awesome forrest theme!
Sorry for the glare!
The Diligent Workers
Todd, Greg, and Jonathan

We are almost finished!!!!
I just want to take a moment and tell y'all about my hubby.
He has really poured himself into this ministry! It is not a job for him!
It is a PASSION!
I am so richly blessed to be his wife!
Thank you, Babe, for all of your hard work and dedication to God!
You are an AMAZING, Godly husband!
I am so grateful for you!

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