Friday, September 03, 2010

Adventures of the Gingerbread Man

The Girls were THRILLED to bring the Gingerbread Man (GBM) home today!
Each weekend, someone in their class is selected to take the GBM home.
We will be going on many adventures this weekend!
We were so surprised to see that the GBM LOVES Alabama Football!
He is begging Greg to take him to the game tomorrow.
But, the Girls are afraid that their Daddy will forget the GBM at the stadium.
we'll have to see.
He loved playing dress up and doing homework!

Sleepy Town with SH

HG has started sleeping with her Bible.
I promise that I did not pose her for this pic.
She insists on sleeping with it.
If I try to take it when she is asleep, she will hold on to it even tighter.
Maybe God is trying to tell me something.

1 comment:

China Dreams said...

My sister teaches kindergarten and does this with her class. Kids just love the feeling of responsibility it gives them.

Wonderful photos.