LADYBUG SIGHTING!!!!It is amazing how little things can mean sooooo much!!!!!
As I was leaving work this morning, I noticed a ladybug on my windshield!
I just squealed with joy!!!!
Most of you know about the significance of ladybugs and Chinese adoption.
However, there are a few who do not.
So, let me tell ya!
Years ago, there were delays in adoptive families receiving referrals from China.
Suddenly, our country experienced an influx of ladybugs. They were everywhere!
(I distinctly remember that summer!)
After this unique event, referrals from China started pouring into the U. S.
Now, we consider that "good news" is soon to follow the ladybug sighting.
I remember my ladybug sighting with Hannah Grace.(I know that sounds crazy!)
It was in late August (2006). I had just taken some our youth members home after church.
It was a BEAUTIFUL day! Sun shining! Windows rolled down!
I was driving and singing with the radio(looking pretty silly to all those around me). Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
There she was! Sitting on the side of my passenger seat!
I was soooo thrilled! I called Greg to share the news!!! He even pretended like it was a BIG deal!
Well, in September we received Hannah Grace's picture.
I do not believe in coincidence or luck.
I believe that my Heavenly Father knows me.
He knows what makes me smile.
Even though it may be silly, it has thrilled my heart!
I just cannot stop smiling!